The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by Ian and Adam, the resident farmers at Old 99. We send out a message every week, but most are set with a delete date about two weeks later. I archive some of the posts if they have content other than weekly availability of produce and meat.

You can send me questions too, which if they are of a general nature, I can post to this Old99 blog.

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Old 99 farm week of Apr 1 2018

I need to entice you people!! The greens are now at peak and will keep coming. Kale, chard and lettuce. We’re also offering potted lettuce that you can put in the window, harvest a few times and have a bouquet as well as tender salads. Some micro greens available.

And coming soon: radish, globe turnip, spinach, claytonia, lettuces: rouge d’hiver, Italian, buttercrunch.

The roasting chickens are on special this week, $9/kg which is $2 off. Kale is special large bunches.

I have just started an advanced Permaculture Design for Climate Resilience course, offered by Oregon State U, online. Am soliciting you to offer your site to do the design on; you get free design documented, on how to adapt your home, farm or getaway to withstand severe weather events and climate disruption.
Call me or email soon.

I’d like to briefly mention a collaborative project in town: the Community Permaculture Lab is a volunteer group led by three of us to redesign the backyard of an Ainslie woods resident. We’ve been learning as we go, making friends, having fun. Here’s a picture of us doing the first yard work this spring: laying out the raised beds, minipond, tree sites, water capture and storage. There will be work parties over the next couple months, you can come out too!

One of my "favourite climate news sites is FasterThanExpected where there is always a picture and a ‘snip’ from a major study or article, new every day. If you want more scope I recommend The Daily Climate for headlines and more worldwide coverage. For example, What does it take to electrify everything in your home? This California family just found out: “Unless you have gone through it, there is stuff you never would have foreseen.”

Healthy Eating
Ian and Cami