The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by Ian and Adam, the resident farmers at Old 99. We send out a message every week, but most are set with a delete date about two weeks later. I archive some of the posts if they have content other than weekly availability of produce and meat.

You can send me questions too, which if they are of a general nature, I can post to this Old99 blog.

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Food and Nutrition Papers, Advice

Every so often I get several leads to article and research paper reviews on nutrition that I believe should be shared.
Here’s a few, with some excerpts.

Dr Paul Marik on spike protein, covid, recovery
- The first thing is to avoid being spiked. If you’ve been vaccinated, don’t get boosters. You want to further limit exposure to spike, no more jabs. Secondly, if you get Covid, you want to be treated early, because the longer you allow it to linger, the more spike protein. That’s just a basic common sense principle.
- Getting back to spike, it’s essential that people change their diet. You don’t have to do strict intermittent fasting like I do, where you eat within a six to eight hour window, and then the rest of the time you don’t eat.
- In fact, there’s no human requirement to eat carbohydrates. Unlike proteins and fats which you need, humans can survive without carbohydrates. If you have a diet which is low in carbohydrates or has no carbohydrates, you’re going to start making ketone bodies. Both the brain and the body use ketone bodies as a source of energy. Instead of using glucose, you use ketones.
- There’s nothing wrong with saturated fat. In fact, there was a really good paper in the Lancet, this ivory tower journal. They’ve looked epidemiologically and found that the more fat you eat, the lower your risk of cardiac disease. It’s not saturated fat that’s the enemy. It is these polyunsaturated, synthetic, manufactured vegetable oils. The use of soy vegetable oil in this country has gone up exponentially, in terms of tons.
- Eggs are wonderful. They are one of the most nutritious sources of nutrient-dense food, and eggs do not increase your cholesterol. Maybe it does if you have 30 or 40 eggs a day, but one or two eggs a day is perfectly fine. It’s a highly dense, nutritional food.

Dr Robert Malone on avoiding processed foods, and traces of atrazine, widely used herbicide
Excerpt: Advice for healthy living:

  1. If you use a commercial lawn service that sprays conventional herbicides, please fire them.
  2. Buy organic produce.
  3. Buy grass fed meats (local if possible). Talk to the farmer about what sprays they use and how often.
  4. Buy organic eggs.
  5. Use “green” products when cleaning your house. Soap and water will take care of most cleaning needs.
  6. Buy organic grains, legumes and nuts. Think about investing in a bread maker or find a local bakery/grocery store that uses organic flours.
  7. Consider eating less simple carbs (sugar, flour, etc). Unfortunately, sugar cane is another crop where atrazine is used extensively.
  8. Be mindful about what you put in your body and of course, avoid ulta-processed foods!
  9. Finally, find out if atrazine is being used in your local community. Local parks, playgrounds, school grounds. Start by calling your parks service (city, county) and find out. Our children should not be walking or playing on turf that has been sprayed with this toxic brew. We can impact our local communities more than we think!

‘A Midwestern Doctor’ writing under a pseudonym on how to choose a correct diet to follow, “Diet, Food Craving and Weight Loss”.

Excerpts: I attempted to establish the scope of the problem we are facing. Diabetes and obesity are continuously growing epidemics in the country. The intense cravings we experience for these foods and the lack of nutritional authorities we can look to for advice (as most of them are bought out by the food industry) make this problem remarkably difficult to handle.
I believe there are a few dietary facts you can state with relative certainty:

•Regularly eating high fructose corn syrup will cause you to gain weight.

•The less processed foods you eat, the healthier you will be.

•Foods grown on remineralized soil, while difficult to find, are much better for restoring

•Quality of ingredients matters, and you should shoot for fresher foods that are produced
in a healthy way (i.e., as naturally as possible). This is especially important for animal

•Properly purified water is essential for health and well-being (I personally endorse
reverse osmosis water filtration).

•It is essential to eat in a non-stressful environment and if possible, to be focused on
eating rather than some intellectual task.

•Many digestive and nutritional issues (especially as you age) arise from deficient stomach
acid and sometimes deficient digestive enzymes.

•Once you have had enough not longer to feel hungry, don’t eat more (unless you are already

•Low glycemic index foods (carbohydrates that don’t rapidly dump sugar into your
bloodstream) are better for you.

•Avoid eating before bed. Eating before bed can increase the amount of time you need to
sleep and the likelihood of gaining weight from eating. Extending this to intermittent
fasting (e.g., one meal per day) typically provides additional benefits.