The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by Ian and Adam, the resident farmers at Old 99. We send out a message every week, but most are set with a delete date about two weeks later. I archive some of the posts if they have content other than weekly availability of produce and meat.

You can send me questions too, which if they are of a general nature, I can post to this Old99 blog.

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Old 99 Farm, week of Dec 3 2023

This is the handover week! Adam takes the reins!

Hi, Adam here. Ian and I have signed a 5 year lease agreement for my farm business, Equilibrium Acres, to run a Veggie growing operation at Old 99 Farm.

This means that you will continue to receive the same healthy organic food from Old 99 Farm that you are accustomed to, meat, eggs, etc. from Ian and veggies from Adam, you can use the same interface that you are used to.

I am excited for this new step in my personal and professional life and am very grateful for Ian’s willingness to give me the opportunity to continue pursuing my passion in regenerative mixed vegetable market gardening and connecting the community to the source of nourishment.

Available this week:

Arugula, Roquette
Bok Choi
Broccoli Collards
Eggplant, this is the last of them
Green Peppers
Herbs: sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley
Kale, Curly, Nero, Red Russian
Lettuce, Butter Crunch
Parsley Root
Potatoes, Purple, Red, and Fingerlings,
Sweet Potatoes
Swiss Chard, Rainbow and Green Swiss
Tokyo Bekana

The subscription plan “Let Me Be Your Farmer” is up and running. A friend asked me to clarify. You estimate what your family would buy in a 3 month period, total for fruit, veg, meat, dairy. You estimate how much of that you could commit to buying here at Old 99. Say half. So if your family buys $3000 in a quarter, half of that is $1500. Pay in advance for 3 months purchases of veg, fruit, eggs, meats and anything you buy from Old99, and get 10% discount plus special surprises. Still order a la carte. The farm benefits from a more secure customer commitment and has cashflow to buy inputs like seed and nutrient. You get the choicest items for your basket, a la carte. Typically I’d expect $1500 to $2000 per quarter but it’s up to you. Just pick a value to pay forward, and we deduct actual purchases from your subscription.
Sign up with an email to me: or

The winter Harvest Basket cycle started Nov 27 but it’s NOT TOO LATE! sign up for 10 weeks for $320 for 8 vegetables. The early signers-up got a free dozen eggs.

Surf to the online store here to place your order. Store pick up Thurs 4 to 6 or by arrangement. *