The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by Ian and Adam, the resident farmers at Old 99. We send out a message every week, but most are set with a delete date about two weeks later. I archive some of the posts if they have content other than weekly availability of produce and meat.
You can send me questions too, which if they are of a general nature, I can post to this Old99 blog.
Ever Wondered About Vaccine Safety?
A docu-drama has been winning awards with its account of the Merck Labs coverup of its Mumps (MMR) vaccine over 10 years ago.
It’s worth a watch, imo.
Available now for streaming till Aug 11.
Here’s a review×6lg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
Here’s the link
You’ve been waiting, and we’re delivering! With many hurdles faced in bringing this film to the public, we decided to build our OWN platform to house not only our films but many more to come.
We are thrilled to announce that ‘Protocol 7’ is now streaming in NORTH AMERICA on, an innovative new streaming platform built BY filmmakers FOR viewers like you. This highly anticipated film is available for everyone to watch at a special discounted rate of $9.99 through August 11th. More countries/territories to be added in the coming weeks!”