Members submit fav recipes to me, and occasionally I find one for people that helps first timers feel confident cooking a stewing hen or a slow cook roast, etc.


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Bacon Fat Mayonnaise

like a spreadable BLT

Source: Zingerman's Guide to Better Bacon (Entered by Ian Graham)
Servings: depends
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BBQ Chicken Brine

Here is Nick’s favorite poultry brine. Sweet, salty and savory your chicken will be a hit at your next family dinner or get together. When you brine your poulrty it makes it super moist and flavourful. You’ll never want to eat your chicken or turkey without brining again!

Source: Nick LaMarsh (Entered by Nick LaMarsh)
Servings: Makes 4L
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BBQ Chicken Rub

This recipe is a hit from the pit. Nick has used this recipe for many years to prepare BBQ/Smoked chicken. It pairs well with the BBQ Chicken Brine recipe, just reduce the salt by half in the rub if you brine your poultry.

Source: Nick LaMarsh (Entered by Nick LaMarsh)
Servings: Makes abour 3/4 of a cup
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Beef Shank stew

A beef shank makes the most amazing stock and stew you could imagine. Since I am a busy (maybe lazy) cook with lots of people to feed, I use shortcuts when I can.

Source: (Entered by Ian Graham)
Servings: 6
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Denver Steak Pan Seared

A classic treatment for tender cuts of steak

Source: tipbuzz (Entered by Ian Graham)
Servings: 4
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Fermented hot sauce

Wanna try this recipe?
Buy the peppers here or let us know, I just made a big batch. It’ll be ready in 3 weeks (mid December)

Source: (Entered by Camelia Stoica)
Servings: it varies
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Gazpacho Andaluz recipe

Another amazing way to eat fresh tomatoes! In honour of our Spanish help-x guest.
Easy to blend a batch and keep in your fridge. The flavours develop the longer you chill it.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Kelly's Spanish friends in Mallorca! (Entered by Kelly Graham)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: bread, tomato, cucumber, onion, pepper, vinegar, oil
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Green Garlic Soup

What a better way to boost our immune systems add iron and manganese to our diet, Good for the heart, the gut and the soul!

Try the traditional Cream of Leek and Potato Soup where you can substitute leeks with green garlic.
I also found and tried Spinach and Green Garlic Soup at:

Source: Camelia (Entered by Camelia Stoica)
Servings: 4 servings
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Provencal Vegetable Tian

This is the perfect dish for savouring the flavours of summer. So simple and delicious. It is also a one-dish meal so clean up is easy, which is always a plus.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: (Entered by Kelly Graham)
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: oil, leek, potato, salt, eggplant, zucchini, tomato, olive, herb, cheese
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Purslane salad

A cool mild tasting salad for easy meals.

Source: (Entered by Ian Graham)
Servings: 3-4
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