The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by Ian and Adam, the resident farmers at Old 99. We send out a message every week, but most are set with a delete date about two weeks later. I archive some of the posts if they have content other than weekly availability of produce and meat.

You can send me questions too, which if they are of a general nature, I can post to this Old99 blog.

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Old 99 farm, week of July 17 2017

All meat is raised here on pasture: pork, turkey, beef, lamb, chicken, duck and goose.

As of July 17th , we can offer the following crops: raspberries, new harvest chard and kale, purple potatoes, black currants, sorrel, New Zealand spinach, rhubarb, lovage, sweet cicely, chives. Our tomatoes went on sale last week.

We sell upick by weight, but roughly it works out to 500gm per Litre. Upick is about half price of pre-pick.

Reminder: I sharpen your chef’s knives with proper equipment so you can really enjoy them.

Healthy eating
Ian and Cami

Old 99 Farm, week of July 9, 2017

Berry season is upon us with black currants and raspberries ready to harvest. U-Pick and Pre-Picked.

Also new crop of tomatoes, chard and kale, with some potatoes and NZ spinach. Other items listed in attached products listing.

Cami has been prepping turkey stock, available in the store.

Open for U pick Thurs and fRiday.

Healthy Eating
Ian and Cami

Old 99 FArm, week of July 4 2017

We have raspberries, picked and u-pick this week, not the peak crop but abundant. Also green garlic, garlic scapes, some pod peas, new baby chard, new purple potatoes, and kale, NZ spinach, maybe some tomatoes.

Special on eggs has terminated, regular fair price resumes.

Bumper crop on currants and gooseberries not quite ripe.

Meat selection remains good: lamb, beef, pork, soup chickens, turkey and goose.

Healthy eating
Ian and Cami

Old 99 Farm, market day tomorrow June 30

Come on out for grass fed meats, eggs and limited greens. Order online and pick up here Friday or on the weekend.

Healthy eating,
Ian and Cami

Eggs 4 for 3 at Old 99

As of June 24TH , we can offer the following crops: new harvest kale, cabbage, sorrel, New Zealand spinach, rhubarb, arugula, lovage, sweet cicely, chives. Our tomatoes went on sale last week.

And yes, I’m offering eggs: buy three get fourth doz free.

Healthy eating (quiches, devilled, fried, scrambled, poached, raw … eggs)
Ian and Cami

OLd 99 FArm, week of June 21 2017

Writing this on Wed 21, the solstice. wow, already at the longest day of the year.

Thanks to the haying helpers, a big thanks, you know who you are!

Big request to you all to eat eggs and give them to friends and neighbours. I’ll help with a special offer: buy 3 dozen, get fourth free. That’s right, four for three. Devilled eggs, egg salads, quiches, etc.

Now is the season for meats from Old99, pork, beef, lamb all good for the bbq or oven.

Healthy eating,
Ian and Cami,

btw, see my facebook for great video on communicating climate change: Suzanne Moser. Intro says Safeguarding what we know, what we have, what is familiar and treasured in the face of climate change is and will be an increasingly difficult task. For many aspects of modern life, for human communities most at risk from climate change impacts and for countless species and ecosystems the task at hand is nothing short of heroic, and over time it may be “hospice work.” Those charged with protecting and helping natural and human communities and systems adapt are increasingly aware of this challenge (and need support in this task), as do those already well aware of the risks of climate change. Many others don’t know yet, and many don’t want to find out. How do we engage them? How do we communicate with them about climate risks and possible solutions, even if those solutions are imperfect? How do we sustain their engagement for the long haul? The presentation will offer insights into effective communication of climate change impacts and adaptation, with particular emphasis on the psychological dimensions that underlie people’s responses and that can help or hinder their constructive and sustained engagement in preparing for the future."

Hay mang today Monday

I have a few helpers thank you indeed for the hearty early response from you. We got the hay cut and baled on the weekend.

Now a few hours to load the wagon and move it to the barn is all that’s left. I could really use a couple of you to come for about 2 hours today starting at 11am. Or when you can.

A couple people on the wagon and a couple in the barn makes it easy on every one.

I thank you all,


old 99 farm, week of June 11 2017

Beef and pork will be in the freezers this week; raised here, fed organically, well-treated. They had a good life and I a grateful for their presence.

Lots of eggs, please consider that you could buy eggs here.

Greens: chard, spinach, cabbage, onions, rhubarb, asparagus.

I’m requesting help to come put the hay in the barn today monday. This job needs a couple of people in the barn and a couple on the ground outside. We have fun while we’re at it. If you can help out, please come around 11 for a couple hours or later if that works.

Healthy eating
Ian and Cami

Old 99 farm, week of May 28 2017

Ever heard of the ‘marshmellow experiment’ and Walter Mischel? He’s famous for his insights about how humans learn delayed gratification. see for one of many youtube videos. Very relevant to current public policy direction around abrupt climate disruption.

Lots of greens and eggs, meats and yes fresh pork, I’m getting the meat back from the butcher today wednesday. If you ordered a side, you can pick up friday. Beef will be here next week.

I’ll be cutting hay as soon as next week and would very much like help moving it to the barn. Any volunteers for a couple hours?

The Milk Injunction case is in court in Newmarket now. I went on Monday. You can read a description of events here. Decision not handed down yet.

Healthy eating,
Ian and Cami

Milk Legal Battle finale next week

First read this:

Supporters of farmgate food sources,
The time has come to put our time, our money or our mouth where our passion lies. I know we are passionate about having raw milk for our families, however unless each one of us steps up and commits to taking some action to support our farmers, they may be forced to give up the fight due to the toll this whole process takes on their health. Remember they will be able to continue drinking their raw milk if the injunction is enforced by the court, however we will not.

In fact, under the conditions of the injunction, anyone even talking about the consumption of the raw milk or trying to solicit it from a farmer can be held criminally liable. My point is this is our cause!

Please make a commitment to one of the suggestions below clicking on the link and signing your name. Stand up and be counted! We the people have the power however we must take an action!

1. PLEASE make arrangements now to take that day (or just the morning) off to attend the hearing at the Newmarket Courthouse at 50 Eagle St W, Newmarket, ON L3Y 6B1.
It is absolutely critical that as many people as possible be there.
We are going to have a peaceful rally in front of the court house. Please bring signs.
Sign up here:

2. Go to and pledge a one-time amount to the cause or a smaller monthly amount for 6-12 months.
3. Have friends over and discuss why you are passionate about the freedom to choose raw milk.
4. Make a phone call to your MPP and let him/her know why this is important to you. Be clear that harassing our farmers is not where you want your hard earned tax dollars to go. Ask for direction in how to go about having this archaic law abolished and encourage dialog with the producers of raw milk.
5. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper asking why this story is not being covered by them.
6. Call your radio station and ask to speak to the news room and share your frustration that they are complacent about the government handling of this whole issue. My goodness, when animals are rescued from abusive factories it hits all the airwaves and yet nothing about this important subject?
7. Write to TVO and fill them in on this ridiculous case.

Please if you have any other idea, share it. Together we can find the solution!
Keep blowing whistles. They have to hear us and they have to finally listen.