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Please note the store hours: Thursday 4 to 6 or by arrangement stated on your order. Call 905 537 0163 if necessary (or 911!) We Offer delivery on Fridays, so please ask. It costs $7 in, Dundas, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, and Toronto.

We are starting to plant seeds for the 2025 season, stay tuned for regular updates.

Reminder: I sharpen your chef’s knives with proper equipment so you can really enjoy them.

I carry pork, beef and chicken (roasting and stewing). Check availability below.

LG $7.50 per doz
XL $8.50
Jumbo $9.00
(Thank you to all bringing in egg cartons. Please keep saving them.)

1. Produce units available are same as price unit. eg 500 gram, each.
2. Quantity available is almost always estimated. Feel free to order it, I can fill in most cases. If I cannot I will contact you and offer something else in its place.
3. If you order and don’t pick up, I trust you will pay.

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Cabbage, Head
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $6.00 ( ea )
Available (Exact): 9

Young, early green head cabbage great for coleslaw salads or sauerkraut. Crispy with a sweeter taste than late season cabbages. more
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $4.00 ( bu )
Available (Estimated): 7

Celery stems with leaves on, good for snacks, munching and in stews and soups. Celery is hard to grow but ... more
Onions Red
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $3.00 ( lb )
Available (Estimated): 27

Bulb onions.
Onions Yellow
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $3.00 ( lb )
Available (Estimated): 10

Bulb onions.
Potatoes, White
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $2.50 ( Lb )
Available (Exact): 20

This is 2024 harvest, available by lb or kg.
Squash, Butternut
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $3.00 ( lb (450gm) )
Available (Exact): 0

From saved seed, good flavour. more
Sweet Potato Orange
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $3.50 ( Lb )
Available (Estimated): 27
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Sweet ¨Potatoes grown on the farm.
Sweet Potato White
Grower: Equilibrium Acres
Price: $3.50 ( Lb )
Available (Estimated): 46

Sweet ¨Potatoes grown on the farm.